Notification defines important points in time in the delivery
Notification is an essential part of modern-day logistics processes. It shapes the day-to-day business of freight forwarders in both the B2B and B2C segments. Notification refers to the announcement of a delivery or pick-up or an advance alert about the receipt of a payment. This information is usually passed on to the consignee by a call centre. Scheduling is done by freight forwarders either by phone, in writing or electronically via email, text message, XML or electronic data interchange (EDI) in connected transport management, ERP and inventory control systems. Notification is thus advance notice of a planned event.
Delivery notifications sent by a forwarding agent generally contain the following information:
For goods transports:
- Article description
- Article number
- Quantity
- Weight and/or volume
- Delivery date
For payments:
- Invoice date
- Invoice number
- Payment amount
- Cash discount (if any)
- Credit note (if any)
What are the reasons for the notification?
Notifications keep logistics processes running smoothly. They allow freight forwarders to be fully transparent with customers and transport partners in the supply chain about delivery dates or possible changes in timing and location. This is particularly important for complex supply chains.

Incoming and outgoing shipments can be very precisely scheduled, managed and, if needed, adjusted. That makes notifications essential for managing and scheduling production orders. In addition, notification is the starting point for tracking and tracing shipments. Finally, notifications protect carriers and freight forwarders' bottom lines by reducing the number of unsuccessful delivery attempts, especially in the B2C business.