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EIKONA Business Continuity

IT emergency concept and cyber security for reliable logistics in crises.

Our IT emergency concept includes a back-up transport management system (TMS) and an emergency app to ensure that you can maintain your production and hall processes in case of unforeseen events.

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  • Key TMS functionalities as a temporary solution
  • Integral hall scanning via app
  • Providing shipment tracking for partners
  • Inbound and outbound handling (loading process)
  • Data provision to partners, bordering and status management
  • Scheduling and route planning

TMS failure: hall flooding and communication collapse

The failure of a freight forwarder's transport management system (TMS) has a direct impact on the management of shipments and packages and the planning of local transport routes. Without access to the TMS, essential information about the origin and destination of the pallets is lost. Warehouses quickly become overcrowded as there is no clear information on which pallets need to be collected or delivered.

As a result of the TMS failure, manual processes have to be introduced to compensate for the missing information. This leads to delays and errors and can quickly bring operational processes to a complete standstill. The inadequate capacity planning and warehouse management due to the overflow in the warehouse leads to a serious operational bottleneck and affects the entire supply chain.

The solution: The emergency TMS with EIKONA Business Continuity.

To minimise the impact of a TMS failure, it is important that transport companies implement suitable emergency plans and back-up systems. EIKONA Business Continuity ensures that your operations continue to run seamlessly even in an emergency. Our emergency TMS and the associated app ensure that critical functions such as production, hall scanning, scheduling and route creation for local transport operations are maintained. Inbound and outbound processing is also ensured by the emergency programmes - including the provision of data relevant to the partners, such as the outbound bordero. In the event of a system failure, EIKONA Business Continuity guarantees the transmission of consignment status to your co-operation partners. Your customer service therefore remains able to act and provide information.

Business Continuity Schedule

from analysis to emergency activation

Analysis, concept and implementation

We start by analysing your business-critical processes in detail. Based on the findings, a customised concept is developed and implemented.

Education, sensitisation and training

Your employees are trained and sensitised to the use of the emergency TMS - this is how we ensure the system transition for customers and partners. Continuous training and the constant availability of infrastructure and updates are essential.

Efficient handling in an emergency

In an emergency, you can activate the emergency concept at the simple press of a button. The back-up system is seamlessly transformed from a secondary to a main system. A well thought-out structure with continuous data copies and clear process definitions enables a quick and efficient takeover. This ensures that you are well prepared for unforeseen situations.

Automatic adoption of functions

EIKONA Business Continuity takes control of critical functions such as production, hall scanning, scheduling, route creation and incoming and outgoing dispatch in order to maintain operations. Information on shipment status can also continue to be transmitted to your partners.

The best modules for a perfect
supply chain. Simple and straightforward.

Add these modules to EIKONA Business Continuity Management:

Manual order entry with EIKONA Order Management

In the event of a cyberattack that paralyses the logistics company and prevents access to the TMS, EIKONA Order Management offers a solution. Employees and customers can enter orders manually in an emergency and integrate them seamlessly into production operations. This flexible alternative ensures that operational logistics continue to function even if the TMS and the interfaces connected to it are not available.

EIKONA Business Continuity: independent cloud software

EIKONA Business Continuity ensures that the company retains an overview of its shipments even in the event of an IT failure. The software comes from the cloud and is therefore independent of the company's own interrupted IT infrastructure. During normal operation, it serves as a secondary system that is continuously filled with data. In an emergency, the business continuity system can seamlessly replace the main system. This means that the shipments remain visible to affected partners, even if their TMS is not working.

Bypass WI-FI failure with alternative data transmission

In the event of a cyber attack, the Wi-Fi usually also fails. Devices like handheld scanners that rely on this wireless network are then unable to transmit any data. Back-up measures are therefore essential: Alternative data transmission methods such as mobile networks and self-sufficient devices including mobile phones, emergency laptops, etc. ensure data integrity and smooth logistics operations even in situations without Wi-Fi.

of all spam mails were cyber attacks
of all companies have an emergency programme
successful attacks on companies

Safety in an emergency: rehearse emergency procedures as in a fire drill

After the implementation is before the exercise: The defined (information) processes should be practised regularly so that they work in an emergency. The necessary hardware should also be kept on hand and tested again and again, just like in a fire drill: this includes having charged company smartphones with the emergency app, functional laptops and mobile printers that are independent of the infrastructure (domain) on hand. All processes must be practised, from reporting emergencies to scanning genuine consignments.

Regular audits should ensure that every move is practised. In an emergency, employees should be able to act without hesitation. The IT emergency concept serves as a guide to action - not just as a memory aid in a drawer. After all, it is practical applicability that counts, not just theory, especially in the event of a hacker attack and the resulting infected system.

Business Continuity Management
The right way to deal with business risks

Whether you are a logistics company or a manufacturer, an IT failure that lasts several days can cause considerable economic damage. The pragmatic solution is to take precautions: develop an emergency plan by analysing the risks in detail, test it and make it ready for use in the event of an emergency. This is exactly what business continuity management is all about. The following questions, among others, need to be clarified:

1. How do business processes function when IT systems or co-operation partners fail?

2. Should the system fail, in which alternative way can the company access its data?

3. In an emergency, how can business operations be continued in a way that honours obligations to customers and partners?

4. How many days of IT downtime in a row can the company survive without irreparable damage?

5. Is there a communication plan in place to ensure that communication is guaranteed even without e-mail and the like?

6. Is emergency equipment such as mobile phones, laptops, extension cables and basic network technology available?

7. Is the offline availability of access data and contacts secured?

8. Does the existing insurance adequately cover the expected damage?

Our IT emergency concept is the result of an approximately one-year process that we initiated together with our IT service provider EIKONA Logistics and implemented with the involvement of our partners.
Sebastian Grollius
Head of IT at CargoLine GmbH & Co. KG

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EIKONA Logistics News Emergency app for the CargoLine

There are constant cyber attacks on companies. Many logistics service providers have also been affected. Reason enough for CargoLine to proactively develop a concept that secures the operation of the network.

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Frequently asked questions

What means Business Continuity Management (BCM)?

BCM refers to strategies and measures that organisations take to ensure business continuity and protect themselves from interruptions to critical business processes. This includes the development of contingency plans and the implementation of measures to minimise risk.

How can a company measure BCM effectiveness?

BCM effectiveness can be assessed through regular audits, tests and exercises. The review of response times, accuracy of communication and the identification of weaknesses enable continuous improvement of the BCM strategy.