On track to success with
modern IT infrastructure

Prepared for the future with IT solutions for logistics. All you have to do is run your day-to-day business.

Dynamic IT is the foundation
for functioning processes

In our service portfolio as a full managed service provider, we focus on comprehensive logistics consulting, server systems, planning and implementation of WiFi and the optimal integration of connected building automation systems. We also manage mobile devices, virtualise desktop PCs, host applications and manage clients and servers. To keep your data secure, we develop security solutions for you and support you with certified data protection officers. In short, we offer the ideal IT solutions for your logistics operations.

Why IT logistics? Be prepared – go digital

Logistics providers are being expected to meet ever-higher standards. Margins are being squeezed. So how do you position yourself to meet customer needs while increasing profits? Digitalisation offers various opportunities to communicate better within your logistics company, connect with other companies along the supply chain and meet your customers' growing demands. We work with you to develop smart solutions that let you adapt nimbly and cost-effectively to the constant changes in the transport and logistics industry.

Work better with smart logistics IT

You expect your IT infrastructure to meet special requirements as a logistics provider: your applications have to be highly available, low-latency and operate in real time. Luckily, we can provide the ideal foundation for your logistics processes: our full service package in combination with our TÜV-audited and DIN ISO 9001 and DIN ISO 27001-certified enterprise data centre. You'll be perfectly positioned to operate securely, safely and efficiently. EIKONA will also support and monitor a server solution at your premises.

IT outsourcing: shifting to the cloud

IT employees have to perform an increasingly extensive roster of duties. More and more devices, software and building services have to be administered. Additional employees are hard to find. As an IT service provider, it is our mission to support you with all your IT administration needs and handle your IT outsourcing. That will free up you and your staff to focus on your logistics business and let your IT staff look after the TMS or ERP system that keeps your business humming.

Full-service partner for IT in logistics
positioned for the future.

Server systems

We employ highly available systems that will continue to work reliably even if individual components fail. That ensures you can keep your business running 365 days a year. Our comprehensive enterprise monitoring lets us watch all your processes, devices and components at all times and respond proactively to head off problems. You can then increase the productivity of your individual workstations and simplify your system maintenance. We also offer smart storage solutions that instantly adapt to your storage needs.

Network systems

We design and configure your Wi-Fi and the access points in your warehouse so that you always have reliable service even if your inventory or racks change or your clients move constantly. We can identify and eliminate existing sources of interference with site surveys. By constantly monitoring and regularly updating all your devices, we keep your networks secure. We work to make your local area networks highly available and connect your sites over WANs to allow you to work smoothly and reliably at any time.

Secure and dependable application hosting

Transfer your software and applications to our servers. Predictable monthly costs and reduced personnel expenses create a predictable framework in which we handle all the operational aspects for you, including updates, data backups, storage space and security. As an application service provider (ASP), we make your software solutions conveniently available to you in the cloud. In a variety of formats, too: SaaS (software as a service), PaaS (platform as service), or IaaS (infrastructure as a service). We work with you to determine the ideal hosting strategy.

The right devices for logistics buildings

Are you looking for printers, scanners and portable data terminals that are tailored to your needs? Devices that communicate with your warehouse management system (TMS) and are used in various logistics environments require special protection against vibrations, impacts, dust and dirt, for example. We will help you select, procure, install, commission, connect and maintain your devices. Our mobile device management (MDM) software lets you track all your devices.

IT security in the logistics industry

We can handle every aspect of your IT security. An IT risk analysis will identify your weak points and security vulnerabilities. We will then work with you to design a security solution that specifically addresses your needs and preferences, thus protecting your data, applications, systems and networks. As our partnership continues, we will ensure that the measures taken will achieve the protection objectives of your IT infrastructure. Our certified data protection team will answer any questions you may have about the GDPR.

Access control systems and plant protection

We will connect your gate and barrier control system to keep traffic flowing smoothly on your premises. Using our RFID-based system for access control, you decide who can open which doors with an electronic key, transponder or chip. In addition, we can interface your phone system with entrance doors, turnstiles or barriers so that you can let visitors into your logistics centre by tapping out a special code or phone number on your phone. Our portfolio also includes alarm and camera systems.


EIKONA services:
Ready for the future with
cloud services and desktop virtualisation

Take the next step into the digital future and virtualise your desktop PCs. Your employees can then work flexibly from any location in the new system environment. All they need is internet access. Operating systems and applications are virtualised and made available from our high-performance terminal server environment. This is the essence of modern-day IT outsourcing.

Today's working world, in which people work entirely or partially from home, increasingly requires all devices and communication solutions to be effectively connected. We can easily configure and manage your applications when you move to the cloud. This includes Office 365, Mail Exchange with spam and antivirus, archiving and backups. If a new employee joins your team, a new workstation can be set up in seconds.

Light blue trend arrow pointing downwards.
50% of companies

use outdated systems. They have lost, and will continue to lose, customers due to their lack of flexibility. (Source: verkehrsrundschau)

Light blue icon for mobile devices.
58% use mobile first

Almost two-thirds of companies that employ a mobile-first strategy increase their efficiency and reduce operating costs. (Source: verkehrsrundschau)

The outline of a house with light blue lines.
74% increased risk

of data loss and cyber threats due to the growing number of remote workers. (Source: Global Data Protection Index 2021)

Service IT provider and cloud partner
for the transport and logistics industry

Cloud services

As an IT service provider and cloud expert, we can quickly and easily provide logistics companies with cloud-based servers, data storage or applications as needed. We will host and operate your entire IT infrastructure or just individual systems. This gives you financial flexibility and greater agility. By having the right cloud services, you'll gain the scalability you need as a logistics provider to develop new business models.

Logistics IT

Our on-premise (on-site) services draw on extensive industry knowledge in managing mission-critical infrastructure at logistics companies. Our ITIL-certified project managers adapt the IT environment to your logistics processes, not the other way around. You can get everything from us: server, network, scanners and software.

IT support and operation

We rely on proactive risk management to keep your IT systems running, regardless of whether you keep your servers and data in-house or in the cloud. We monitor your systems and logistics processes so we can eliminate malfunctions before they occur. We maintain your entire IT infrastructure, servers and desktops. Our support team is always ready to assist you – 24/7 if you wish.

Data protection consulting

In addition to keeping your IT secure, we also support you as a data protection expert with everything related to the GDPR or the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). Our services range from initial discussions to data protection workshops to comprehensive support, which we happily provide as your data protection officer. That way, you can concentrate on your core competencies and avoid the risk of steep fines.

With desktop virtualisation from EIKONA, our IT has become significantly more performant. And this with significantly greater flexibility and lower precisely calculable costs.
Hartmuth Wenzel
Prokurist and director IT Gübau Logistics GmbH
With the new WiFi from EIKONA Logistics, our central warehouses are equipped for the future. Performance, hall illumination and security are optimally suited for pick-by-voice picking.
Christoph Mohr
Head of Logistics Processes and Systems at Fressnapf
With desktop virtualization from EIKONA Logistics, we have virtualized our entire IT operating structure and have since been able to work much more flexibly and efficiently.
Rüdiger Weber
IT Manager at Transport Betz GmbH & Co. Speditions KG

Keep your IT logistics up to date!

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie kann ich das Thema Logistik-IT am einfachsten angehen?

Wir starten mit kleinen Projekten. Dann geht´s Schritt für Schritt weiter, wenn das Vertrauen aufgebaut ist. Zum Beispiel mit Servermanagement oder auch die IP-Telefonie. Und genau dort sollte man ansetzen. Dabei ist es sinnvoll, anliegende Bereiche von Anfang an zu beachten, auch wenn sie vielleicht im ersten Schritt noch nicht umgestellt werden sollen. Geht es beispielsweise zunächst allein um die Einrichtung eines WLAN-Systems auf der Halle, sollte gleich abgefragt werden, ob perspektivisch auch Voice-over-IP-Dienste eingerichtet werden sollen. Dann kann der Dienstleister diese Anforderung bereits bei der Einrichtung der WLAN-Hardware berücksichtigen.

Was macht ein gutes IT Consulting in der Logistik aus?

Zunächst einmal sollte der Dienstleister nachweisen können, dass er über einschlägige Erfahrung in der Branche verfügt. Es ist nicht nur von Vorteil, sondern entscheidend für die erfolgreiche Implementierung, dass er den Kunden sowie dessen Anforderungen genau versteht und mögliche Fallstricke kennt, auch wenn der Kunde sie nicht nennt. Die Aufgabe eines seriösen Beraters ist es, genau diese Aspekte mit zu bedenken und den Kunden darauf hinzuweisen. Viele Dienstleister, die technisch zweifelsfrei sehr versiert sind, aber beispielsweise die besonderen Anforderungen auf der Halle nicht kennen, treffen schon mal falsche Entscheidungen und müssen diese im Nachgang korrigieren – und das kostet wiederum Zeit und Geld.