EIKONA Notification

Automatic delivery notification with preferred date and time: faster, better, cheaper.

Whether by email, text or automatic voice call: you will always contact the customer at the right time with our EIKONA Notification module.

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  • Automatic appointment scheduling
  • API integration
  • 24/7 time slot booking without log-in
  • Initiate notification calls from lorries based on GPS location
  • Granular configuration of possible time slots
  • Multilingualism of messages and dialogues

Punctuality is everything in logistics

As a freight forwarder, time is always a major factor for you. When you send your operations staff on the road, you manage the timing yourself, at least initially. Obviously, it is not that simple. The clock is also ticking for your customers. The downstream processes in their supply chain only work if the deliveries are made on time. Our EIKONA Notification module lets you keep an eye on everything. You always notify your customers exactly when the goods will arrive. This advance shipping notice for orders raises customer satisfaction levels tremendously. In logistics management for just-in-time deliveries in the automotive sector or deliveries to a family residence.

The best modules for a perfect
supply chain. Simple and straightforward.

Add these modules to EIKONA Notification:

EIKONA Notification in detail

Project manager Christoph Bauer gives you tips on how you can reduce your telephone notifications by at least 70%: The EIKONA notification module is the smart solution for optimal appointment scheduling, allowing you to reach your recipients around the clock. This allows you to keep your warehouses tidy and delivery works on the first attempt.

Automatic shipment announcements

Having a personal phone conversation with an employee of the freight forwarding company may sound charming, but it is a drag in fast-paced logistics processes. Phone calls cost time, even when done well in advance of the delivery. Our EIKONA Notification module saves you this time, because your customers receive advance updates of the delivery time by email, text or automatic voice call. The voice call is placed by the EIKONA IVR system.

Maximum flexibility for freight forwarders and customers

You and your customers need to be flexible and know when the goods are coming in. The automatic appointment scheduling function helps you to do this. With our EIKONA Notification module, freight forwarders enable their customers to define desired dates, times and drop-off locations on the online portal. The link to the portal is included in the email or text notification sent to your customers.

Offer value-added services with notification software

As a service provider, you can use our notification tool to offer your customers effective value-added services. This includes different scheduling services, connection and installation, packaging disposal, unloading the truck at the customer's dock.

Correct data as a basis

Automatic notification is part of a fully digitalised order management system. It starts when the order is entered and ends when the invoice is issued. All you need to notify the consignee by email or text is a correct email address or mobile phone number. If you do not have either, our EIKONA Call Centre or the EIKONA IVR system will help you.

notifications by phone
shipments delivered the day they are received
satisfied customers

What is a notification?

The term notification refers to the process by which a freight forwarder informs the recipient of a consignment of the imminent collection or delivery and agrees a date for delivery or loading. This so-called notification is traditionally made by telephone as soon as a consignment has reached the receiving depot.

How important is the notification to the recipient?

The shipping notification enables the forwarder and consignee to coordinate their logistics. Advance notification of a shipment is important for companies with limited opening hours for goods receipt and private households. This is because the forwarding agent can avoid an unsuccessful delivery attempt by providing notification and then arranging an appointment. And the recipient can plan their time accordingly - for their time at home or for follow-up processes at work.

Early delivery notification
Save costs through short dwell times in the hall

Cascaded notification

If there is no response after the first notification, further notifications are sent, for example 24 and 48 hours later, if necessary via a different communication channel. A negative status is only generated if the notification fails repeatedly.

Efficient scheduling

Automation brings forward the time of traditional notification to allow the goods to be forwarded immediately and initiates the process when they leave the dispatch depot, which enables same-day processing at the receiving partner.

Flexibility and added value when booking

Recipients can book additional services such as driver advice and / or parking authorisation for the appointment in order to optimize their deliveries and ensure a smooth process. This significantly increases customer satisfaction.

  • Repeated notification
  • Entry support for rules based on the delivery sequence
  • Separate rules for B2C and B2B
  • Status feedback into the transport management system
  • Connection to EIKONA Call Center
  • Freely configurable notification texts via templates (e-mail, SMS and call)

Customer communication redefined:
Notification for the shipping company

The notification to the recipient is more than just an organisational step: it is an essential part of customer service in logistics. The customer takes centre stage and is kept informed at every step. The entire notification process is a comprehensive service from which not only your customers but also you benefit. Automatic notification enables seamless communication between the forwarder and recipient.

The core of the notification process

Notification is the core of the communication between freight forwarders and final recipients. It ensures that all parties involved know exactly when and where a delivery will be made. This promotes transparency and customer confidence.

Automation: Efficiency at the touch of a button

By automating the notification process and using clever rule configurations, shipping companies can save time and resources. Automatic calls and text messages reduce the need for manual intervention and enable faster and more precise planning of deliveries.

Flexibility through digital options

Digital notification systems offer flexibility for carriers and recipients. With various options for delivery, recipients can specify their preferences, resulting in greater customer satisfaction.

Customer-oriented innovation

The future of notification lies in further personalisation and customer orientation. Innovative solutions that are tailored to the needs of recipients increase customer satisfaction.

Selection of a notification software
for forwarding companies


Processes & system requirements

Freight forwarders should first determine the relevant processes for notification. The specific requirements for the system can then be defined based on these processes. This includes, for example, the ability for automatic notification and flexible scheduling.


Selection of the notification software

The choice of notification software should be tailored to the needs of the forwarding company and integrate seamlessly into the company's logistics processes and its transport management system.


Implementation and training

Once the software has been selected, implementation follows. Here it is important that the haulage company's employees are trained on the system so that they can use the notification software effectively.


Optimisation and adaptation

The final phase is the optimisation and adaptation of the software. By continuously analysing the notification processes, the software can be fine-tuned and improved.

Everything under control with a
notification software

In the fast-paced world of logistics, efficient notification is essential. With advanced notification software, freight forwarders can keep track of their deliveries and ensure that every shipment reaches its destination on time and reliably. These intelligent systems offer seamless integration into existing workflows and enable automatic notification of customers or recipients about upcoming deliveries and collections. By using notification software, freight forwarders can optimise their processes by reducing manual tasks and improving communication between drivers, dispatchers and recipients.

English screenshot in which a time slot can be booked for delivery.

Stay organised for less time and money

If your office employees no longer have to pick up the phone to make a notification, they have more time to take care of other things. This adds up to a large number of work hours, given all the shipments for which notifications are given. In other words, our automatic notification solution delivers significant cost and time savings. Because every phone call stops the delivery for now. If you can automatically notify the customer of the delivery as soon as the order comes in, you do not have to put the transport on hold.

Thanks to the granular configuration options for notification and delivery rules in EIKONA Notification, you only offer consignees the time slots that work for you.

EIKONA Notification
Delivery on demand.

Never lose track of delivery times with the online notification tool.

Notification by email or text

Phone calls were yesterday. Your customers automatically know when the delivery is coming.

Sell additional services

Consignees can book extra services for the delivery in the online portal.

Streamline your processes

Your employees save time and can use resources for more important things.

Laptop with open shipment list next to which a smartphone with time slot booking can be seen

Who benefits from EIKONA Notification?

  • For freight forwardersWho would rather solve logistics problems than set appointments by phone.
  • For shippersWho want to satisfy their customers by making deliveries at the desired date and time.
  • For consigneesWho do not want to spend a long time waiting for the truck.

All the information in a compact format!

Download data sheet
EIKONA Logistics Emons Spedition GmbH

Thanks to EIKONA's modular services, we can offer our customers a modern online solution that also significantly reduces our own service times.

Gunnar Stellmacher, Head of IT at Emons

Get the most out of your logistics!

Make an appointment now

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to store the number of delivery time slots based on the stored notification rules depending on the selected notification channel?

Yes. You can define a maximum number of time slots for the consignee to choose from in each notification channel.

Can the different notification methods be combined with each other?

Yes. Email, text message and automatic voice call can be operated in parallel. They can also be combined with delays in between.