Durch Logistikplattformen arbeiten verschiedene Beteiligte in der Logistikkette effizient zusammen

- Clear calculation
- Flexible application security
- High data security
With desktop virtualization, EIKONA Logistics contributes to the success of Transport Betz GmbH & Co. Speditions KG.
By implementing EIKONA Logistics desktop virtualization, Transport Betz GmbH & Co. Speditions KG is working more flexibly and efficiently.
When Transport Betz from Baden-Württemberg was faced with the task of completely renewing and expanding its server structure, many questions were involved. An effort that was difficult to estimate in terms of costs. To what extent would the investment meet future requirements? How much time and money would it take to find additional new IT staff, train them and set up a new IT infrastructure with the company's own capacities? And all of this in conjunction with digitization and closer integration of numerous business areas. As part of the full-load network E.L.V.I.S. AG, the medium-sized company came into contact with EIKONA Logistics at the end of 2011, which offered an optimal solution with its desktop virtualization product. This measure gave the necessary flexibility for future expansions and also convinced with clear cost structures. This resulted in a partnership that has now been in place for almost a decade.
With desktop virtualization from EIKONA Logistics, we have virtualized our entire IT operating structure and have since been able to work much more flexibly and efficiently.
At that time, Transport Betz had a historically grown, very heterogeneous IT landscape. It was foreseeable that the connection to customers and networks would no longer be future-proof. The decision for virtualization meant a relocation of about 40 workstations in administration, logistics, forwarding as well as express and courier service to the EIKONA logistics data center. The old servers on the premises gave way to virtualized machines, the implementation even took place during ongoing operations. "The fundamental changeover, including the large software packages, was completed within half a year," recalls Rüdiger Weber, responsible for IT at Transport Betz. He adds, "This included planning, consultation with external service providers and software manufacturers, and the smooth migration of all systems." The transfer of the smaller program solutions took place gradually. Employees of EIKONA Logistics accompanied the process at Betz from the beginning - for Rüdiger Weber an important factor for the success of the implementation.
The decision in favor of virtualization has proven successful. Today, a total of 150 employees from a total of five companies can access their desktops and applications securely and efficiently via several virtual servers, regardless of their workstation. "For security reasons, we no longer allow our client computers to be stored on local hard disks," explains Weber. The fact that employees can access their respective desktops from anywhere is proving to be ideal, especially in the forwarding company's paternoster warehouse: orders are received digitally in the system and are then automatically distributed to the pool of employees. "Previously, this alone required a lot of manual work for redistribution," reports the IT specialist. No matter where employees are standing in the hall - they can reach for a device and immediately find their work environment.
Instead of having to keep track of a multitude of cost factors in IT, desktop virtualization from EIKONA Logistics reduces everything to fixed calculable monthly costs including server rent, licenses, software updates, high availability and data backup. Even when setting up workstations for new employees, the costs and time required are clearly defined in advance and only require a small amount of capacity from the company's own IT staff. Ongoing hardware upgrades in the data center to the latest and best-performing storage and server technologies take place automatically and without additional costs. Additional requirements for server systems, such as different operating system versions and editions or increased resource needs, can be met quickly and easily. And when it comes to individual and new interface connections to customer systems, they also have a competent partner at their side in EIKONA Logistics to support them. Transport Betz also sees further opportunities to digitalize and thus optimize processes in the future. "The successful desktop virtualization is an essential milestone for this, which has helped to strengthen the trust of employees and management," reports Rüdiger Weber and adds: "We are very satisfied with it."
The Transport Betz Group has been in the transport business since 1953. The company has developed into an internationally active group of companies and employs a total of 150 people in five companies. The business areas are transport, transshipment, trade fair and event logistics as well as services added value. In addition, the company specializes in direct and special transports as well as full loads, part loads and general cargo transports.
Desktop virtualization reduces the number of physical infrastructure and application servers. These are outsourced to powerful terminal environments and expensive desktop PCs are thus no longer necessary. Instead, thin clients, laptops or older existing PCs that do not require large storage capacities or powerful hardware are used. Advantages include high data security, high flexibility, high availability, high performance, low administrative overhead, cost savings, managed backups, and environmental protection. More information about the Desktop Virtualization product.