Electronic consignment note (eCMR) is coming

Next step to digital freight forwarding
The German Bundesrat’s approval at the end of September 2021 cleared the way for the electronic consignment note. Germany has formally joined the eCMR protocol, allowing documents to be issued electronically. It's a decision that comes with many advantages: electronic consignment notes save on paper, minimise red tape and cut costs. The benefit at EIKONA Logistics: starting today, our EIKONA Freight Management module allows you to create lean process and generate your consignment notes electronically with minimal environmental impact.
We use digital shipment data and generate a PDF document with the actual loaded packages during the loading process. We then digitally sign the PDF so that the packages can be handled properly with all audit-proof documentation. During a trip, a truck driver can then call up the digital transport data from our web app and present the data as needed, such as during official inspections.
The way is clear for the digital consignment note
Damage or quantity deviations can also be recorded in the app. In addition, the electronic consignment note can also be accessed via QR code by third parties, who can also verify its digital signature. We have thus made consignment notes accessible, uncomplicated and paperless. And to check them, all you need is a mobile device with a charged battery. EIKONA Logistics can start this process immediately on request.
For more information, please visit our EIKONA Freight Management module page.