Time Slot Management: New features at LogiMAT 2023

With its improved Time Slot Management, which also includes essential functions from Yard Management, EIKONA Logistics will show at LogiMAT how forwarders can work even faster and more efficiently with its user-friendly time slot management.
At this year's LogiMAT from 25-27 April, EIKONA Logistics will show its optimised Time Slot Management in Hall 8, Stand 8C55. The system has already proven in practice that it performs well even with high volume general cargo networks. The improvements in the current version came directly from practical experience. For example, the tool enables the planning of time slots taking into account the unloading time slots in direct traffic. For this purpose, the application calculates the journey time and distance and determines when a consignment must be dispatched so that the specified unloading time window can be adhered to at the destination. The revised graphical representation of the user interface also provides more clarity. All essential information can now be seen even more quickly by all those involved in the process. New in the calendar view are also the tracks "Unbooked" and "Unscheduled": For unbooked orders, no time slot has been confirmed yet, unscheduled tours arrive in the course of the day without a booked time slot. Thanks to clearly assigned colour indications, these also always remain in view and can be inserted between planned loading processes. In addition, any number of areas can be assigned to each location: If the user already knows from the goods that they have to go to the external warehouse, for example, he can preassign this on the tour and only has to select the loading location later. In addition, a resource overview, similar to a heat map, provides precise information about the current utilisation at any time.
Clear communication thanks to time slot management
As soon as a time slot can be booked, the system sends an e-mail to the forwarder concerned with the corresponding request. The request to book time slots can be configured according to granular rules and is sent via a connected online portal or a direct link by e-mail. To make it as easy as possible for the forwarder or subcontractor to book time slots, all communication types, from e-mail to SMS, are covered. Via the yard management, each authenticated vehicle can be controlled at the loading site via the allocation of parking spaces - the occupancy of which can also be read in the system - up to the check-in at the designated ramp and finally the departure. The driver receives the required information from the system via SMS. Time stamps log every step so that any deviations from the planned arrival or departure time can be clearly traced. In order to know the current position of the trucks at all times, the time window management system can be linked to common driver apps. In this way, it is possible to react quickly to deviations and avoid long waiting times.